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Be The Best At League Of Legends

  • wanted to uninstall league?
  • disconnected or force quit a game?
  • raged on everyone and got reported?
  • intentionally fed the other team?
  • broke a keyboard or mouse?
  • thought about quitting the game?
  • tried to surrender after first blood?

No matter how bad your team is or how awful you think they are, you can't rely on them to win more or to climb the ladder. If you're one of the players that relies on your team to win games, YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!
You should probably go ahead and uninstall the game right now. When you make others responsible for winning a match, you no longer have any control over the game. The only thing you can control is yourself and how well you play.
Watch a portion of this video below to see how LCS Professional Doublelift views solo queue:
We've found a way to turn a Bronze Player into a Diamond player in just 60 days.
If you're one of approximate 6 million players stuck in Bronze or Silver and just can't seem to get out --- you've come to the right place.
If you're looking to improve your skill and in-game decision making --- look no further.
If you're looking to escape from elo hell and climb the ladder to elo heaven --- this will help you.
We've developed a system that is guaranteed to increase your rating immediately.

We call it LoL Builders Trinity Force.
It consists of an easy to setup desktop app that delivers the best diamond player builds right into your in-game interface, a short training manual that contains all of the information you'll need to start winning more, and our specialized champion reports to make sure you're playing the most powerful champions each patch.
When these three things are used together you'll see an immediate increase in your skill and knowledge of League of Legends which gives you an advantage over your opponents causing you to win more matches.

Let's Recap!

Hundreds of the best diamond player builds delivered directly to your in-game client.

  • Never have to alt tab or open another browser again
  • Gain the confidence knowing that the build you are using is the best
  • Shorten your time at the shop so you don't miss out on gold and experience
  • Ability to play any champion using the best build with no additional research
  • Gain an advantage over your opponents by using Diamond level builds

Many customized training drills included that will help you increase your rating substantially.

  • Gain more gold per minute
  • Die and feed less
  • Increased map awareness
  • Enhanced in-game decision making
  • Impress your allies
  • Carry games
  • Immediate rating increase

Simple to follow 7 Step Process to master any champion.

  • Reduce chances of getting counter picked
  • Increase likelihood you'll be able to counter pick
  • Increased knowledge of all champions resulting in winning trades and team fights
  • Learn more champions at a higher level in a faster time
  • Less chance of having the champions you play banned making you unable to contribute to a match

Several chapters of Diamond Player strategy and philosophy.

  • Give yourself the best chance of winning the game before it even starts
  • Learn how to position your champion to take advantage of your opponent's weaknesses
  • Reduce the gold earning potential of your opponents
  • Increase the gold earning potential of yourself and your team
  • Learn advanced strategies used by the pros to win games
  • Understand the reasoning behind these strategies and how to apply them to increase your win rate

Specialized Reports on the Top Winning Champions

  • Current accurate data from live ranked game scans
  • Special algorithm to calculate real win rates of hidden champions
  • Special champion reports you won't find anywhere else
  • Top champion reports for all divisions
  • Top champion reports for all roles


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