Fellow WoW player,
The fact that you’re on this page tells me something about you.
There are answers you seek, and one of them – I am very sure – is the secret to becoming the most feared level 90 player in your server.
Well, I have a surprise for you because on this very page, you're about to learn the single most effective way to prepare for Mists of Pandaria and you won’t need to mortgage two months of your life to do it...
It’s been a life-changing secret for myself, my friends and countless others.
And the best part is you will only need 2 things - your computer and a copy of Mists of Pandaria - it's that simple!
I’ve been asked by friends and guildies how this works, and I’ll get to that in a second…
But first, here’s why you should listen to me.
Here's the deal...
Every two years, Blizzard bestows upon us an expansion to the greatest MMORPG on the planet. We receive endless updates & months of anticipation before that magical moment when the servers reset, and the game is changed forever.
But, three days in, after power leveling through all the new content, checking out a dozen new dungeons and failing to sleep more than a few hours, you realize something...
You’re getting nowhere.
You've spent too much gold leveling "the new profession", buying out mats at ridiculous prices on the Auction House.
Or because Blizzard just came out with a new gold sink, this certain epic mount for a bajillion gold.
If you’re like most people, you’ve bought into the mega-promises of the so-called "pros" out there... the guys who claim their strategies will give you everything you need to dominate this game. Maybe you’ve bought memberships, eBooks, add-ons, and videos that all claim they will help.
Where did they lead you?
You would think you’d be a top player by now... a world class PvP dominator, a gold millionaire, a holder of many world firsts and all the legendary and rare items in the game. After all, those programs are supposedly “guaranteed” to work.
But they are NOT.
Where did they lead you?
You would think you’d be a top player by now... a world class PvP dominator, a gold millionaire, a holder of many world firsts and all the legendary and rare items in the game. After all, those programs are supposedly “guaranteed” to work.
But they are NOT.
Where is the proof?
The videos showing off their characters with all the cool stuff they claim they earned?
Nowhere in sight I’m afraid.
That’s where I come in.
I’m Hubert and guild leader of one of the most progressive guilds in the EU servers.
You’re reading this right now because you are ready to take control of your gaming experience in World of Warcraft once and for all.
So you must be thinking...
Because I’ve been busy playing the game.
The biggest issue I have with other so-called guides out there is that 99% of the time, they're written by people who don't actually play the game.
These guys are businessmen first of all, and they spend all their time scheming for ways to sell you tired old strategies instead of actually dominating the content they claim they are so amazing at.
The average player?
They don’t stand a chance using the strategies being dished out by guys like that.
Not me. I’ve been at the top of my game since Burning Crusade and I haven’t looked back since.
To be honest, Cataclysm was a little too easy and after a string of server first boss kills and earning 2350 points in the Arenas, I soon grew tired of it all.
And here’s my confession.
Month after month of endless speculation on established WoW sites and frenzied discussions on the official forums soon grew tiring.
Where was the new content we were promised ?
In hindsight, the reason behind Blizzard’s lack of interest was clear.
Released to much fanfare and hype, Diablo 3 was the new jewel in Blizzard’s crown and World of Warcraft was left to rot.
Or so we thought…
Diablo 3 turned out to be a major disappointment, and Blizzard realizing this brought forward Mists of Pandaria's release by a couple of months.
My heart leaped for joy and I started making plans to dominate the expansion when it was released.
Naturally, I turned to the Internet and community forums to get more information about the game, but was left sorely disappointed.
Reading some of the crap out there, I truly doubt some of these ‘experts’ even played WoW, let alone experienced Mists of Pandaria at the beta stages of its development.
When I read sites or check up on my fellow gamers, I always wonder, why are people bending over backwards to get ahead with tired old strategies, when they could be dominating the game with actual proven strategies?
They need real world proof, with cutting-edge strategies that actually work
And now... that's exactly why we're here.
And no, you do not need to spend every waking hour of your life in this fantasy world.
I wanted to tell everyone how they could spend less than 3 hours a day playing the game and get the same results that everyone else was getting with 12 hours a day.
The WoW community needs something different, and a simple PDF guide wasn't going to cut it this time.
It took me a while but I've finally stumbled upon the perfect answer and you are about to become the beneficiary of that discovery.
In fact, in as little as a few minutes, you will be playing smarter and better than ever before.
All you need is a computer, a keyboard and your very own World of Warcraft account.
This is ME literally forcing YOU to be a better player overnight by detailing all of my experiences from A to Z..
I hold NOTHING back, teaching you how to
I know I sound like a gushing dad who thinks his child is the most amazing thing ever but objectively speaking,I’ve never seen anything like this before, and trust me, I’ve looked around.
But if you need further convincing, here’s what some actual users of the guide have to say about MoP Secrets.
Bear in mind that these are 100% genuine testimonials.
This Product Is Going To Crush It. Epic Game Changer With Recurring On The Front End And Fat Payout Backend.
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