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Showing posts from July, 2017

Be The Best At League Of Legends

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A TEAM SO BAD THAT YOU: wanted to uninstall league? disconnected or force quit a game? raged on everyone and got reported? intentionally fed the other team? broke a keyboard or mouse? thought about quitting the game? tried to surrender after first blood? Click Here! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! No matter how bad your team is or how awful you think they are, you can't rely on them to win more or to climb the ladder. If you're one of the players that relies on your team to win games, YOU'RE THE PROBLEM! You should probably go ahead and uninstall the game right now. When you make others responsible for winning a match, you no longer have any control over the game. The only thing you can control is yourself and how well you play. Watch a portion of this video below to see how LCS Professional Doublelift views solo queue: We've found a way to turn a Bronze Player into a Diamond player in just 60 days. If you're one...